
Cave de Lugny does not record personal information allowing the identification, with the exception of the forms which the user is free to fill. This information will not be used without your agreement, we shall use them only to send you mails, brochures, quotation, or contact you. The information collected on sites benefits from the protection of the law “Computing and Liberties” N 78-17 of January 06th, 1978. They benefit from an access right, from a rectification, from an opposition to communication and from an abolition on simple request to Cave de Lugny – 995 rue des Charmes – 71260 LUGNY.


Texts, photos, images composing this website are the property of Cave de Lugny. Any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, partial or complete or transfer on another website or quite different medium are forbidden. Photo credits: Cave de Lugny, Bivb.


Cave de Lugny does not control websites in connection with his, and could thus not be responsible for their contents. The risks connected to the use of these websites fall completely to the user. He / she will conform to their conditions of use.


La Cave de Lugny
Siège social : 995 Rue des Charmes – 71260 LUGNY
N° de téléphone : +33 3 85 33 22 85
Numéro siret : 778 893 103 000 14
Capital social 1 426 250 €
Agrément coopératif n°71-122


Cave de Lugny


GANDI SAS, Société par Actions Simplifiée au capital de 300.000€
ayant son siège social au 63-65 boulevard Massena à Paris (75013) FRANCE,
immatriculée sous le numéro 423 093 459 RCS PARIS
N° TVA FR81423093459
Téléphone : +33.(0) 1
Télécopie +33.(0) 1 43 73 18 51